a watch without belt, a hand accessories , some cutie tiny thingy and rings.
Cakes and burger are here!
Take away the thingy of the hand accessories. Just leave the chain.
Connect the watch and the chain with a ring.
Connect the cakes,burger...with the watch.
It's finish...
YEAH!Is it nice?LOL...
Today Friday,have a p.moral lesson.My teacher ask me to stand to answer her question.I just stand up and 'errr', suddenly she said: Wah! Other people eat the hamburger, you wear hamburger on your hand ar??? LOL...Xp
cute and creative =)
can wear such fancy stuff to school 1 meh??
kampungboycitygal:maybe.hahaha..haven took away by prefect.
i like your DIY stuff..really special when u wear this to school..hehe
haha thank you han hui..
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